Jean Tanchette is an administrative assistant for the company « Troisième Pôle” since 2009 in Paris. He worked from 2006 to 2009 as an associate administrator for the French-German classic music band “la Chappelle Rhénane”. Jean Tanchette holds a Master in Cultural Management from the Political Studies Institute from Strasbourg and a Master in cultural engineering from the Lille University (France).
Treasurer : Emmanuel Jeanpierre
Emmanuel Jeanpierre graduated in 2010 from the faculty of Medecine of Nancy as a Doctor in Medecine. He worked as an intern for the Hospital of Nancy from 2008 and 2010 and then an independent Doctor.
Vice Treasurer : Davide Turchi
Davide Turchi is auditor for Ernst & Young since July 2011 in Brussels. He previously worked as an auditor for Mazar from 2008 to 2011 and for RSM Italy from 2007 to 2008. Davide Turchi holds a Master in Economy from the University Roma III and a Master in Economy from the University Gabriele D’Annunzio in Pescara (Italy).
General Secretary : Elsa WARDE
Elsa WARDE is advertisement manager for Orange since October 2011 in Paris. Elsa Warde also held the position of partnership projects assistant for MICROWORLD as well as Administrative assistant for the ART GOLD Programme (Decentralization and Governance) for the UNDP. She holds a Master in Development, Migration and Practices of Development from the University of London (SOAS, UK) and a Master in applied economy from the University of Paris Dauphine.
Communication manager : Gina SAMBUCO
Gina Sambuco is an expert in knowledge management. She is working for the Governance Laboratory since 2012. She worked previously as a teacher for the École Belge de Kigali and the Ahazaza school, in Rwanda. She also was a teacher in Belgium for Lerian-NTI, a teacher for the Vienna Business School in Austria. Moreover, she was the coordinator for Communication at the University of Bologna, in Forli (Italy). She holds a Master in Italian language and culture from the University of Bologna.
Communication manager : Freddy CLAIREMBAULT
Freddy CLAIREMBAULT is a Communication and Public Relations specialist. He was deputy Director for the National Office for former combatants and victims of war. Since 2008, he serves as the Director of the International Festival of Geography in Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, a scientific and popular event gathering each year more than 40 000 visitors. He’s also an external lecturer on media economy and public relations for the University of Lorraine (Nancy). He holds a Master in History from the University of Montpellier, a Master in Business Communication from CESLA Paris Sorbonne and a BA in Geopolitics from the Political Institute of Toulouse.
Funding manager : Bruno Cortese
Bruno Cortese is acivil servant working for the Sicily region presidency, within the Brussels office. He is in charge of immigration , Mediterranean affairs, budget and social cohesion. He was previously in charge of communication for the Europe Direct Contact Centre and for the General Directorate for communication at the European Commission (DG COMM). He also worked as a junior consultant for TAS Europrojects and the Italian press agency AGIPRONEWS. Bruno Cortese holds a Master in International Relations, Diplomacy and Conflict Relations for the Catholic University of Louvain and a BA in Political Science and International Relations from the University of Bologna.
Secretary : Joseph Balland
Joseph Balland is a Doctor in Medecine since 2011. His thesis was about risk factors in the misuse of Alcohol for teenagers. He worked as intern in Medecine at the Nancy Hospital from 2008 to 2009. He now works for the emergency department at the hospital of Epinal (Lorraine, France).
Research manager: Pierre-Yves Michel
Pierre-Yves Michel is working for the Governance Laboratory since 2012. In his quality of research manager, he is in charge of strategic intelligence and the follow-up of tenders. He holds a Master of European Law from the European University Centre of Nancy. He previously worked for a consulting law company as a law researcher on cooperation between European judges.
Coordinator for social inclusion activities : Serge Petit
Serge Petit is a special educator since 2004, working with children and teenagers suffering family problems, school problems, health problems and behavior troubles. He also works with adults experimenting social and physical disabilities, as well as with people with mental handicap. He holds a certificate to work as a Monitor and Educator since 2006